Meitu app is designed to quickly modify and enhance your facial beauty in your selfies. It offers easy and automatic filers compared to more in-depth software such as Photoshop. The app works great even if you have little experience to use effectively. Meitu app smooths skin, slims down faces, and even applies a layer of virtual blush and lipgloss, adding a beautifying effect to your photos.
Meitu offers a lot of editing features for almost any type of user who is into posting on Instagram. The main purpose of this smartphone app is to enhance the beauty of a photo. Users can retouch blemishes, smooth rough lines, hide wrinkles, and even choose a virtual ‘facelift’ that provides a unique slimming effect.
Using the Meitu App to beautify your face
Although Meitu is popular for its beautification features the app does offer you all other photo editing features. You can use it to add effects and add specific themes to an image. It offers unique frames and backgrounds along with 50 filters that can be applied easily to images. The filter category keeps on getting bigger with new features and filters being added with each app update.
It also has an additional Video editing option that comes in really handy for quick and small projects that can be handled from the phone. When you first time opens the app its neat layout will present you with a big camera tab at the bottom. And Editing, Retouching, Collage, User Guide, and Video Editing tabs in the middle.
When testing the app we found its Anime avatar feature to really cool and unique. Other than that it offers you all the standard photo editing features. That you will find in any other photo editing app. Read more about the latest Meitu app features. Download this app if you want to edit your photos by clicking the download button above.
Operating System: Android
Price: Free