In the simplest terms, an emulator is an application which allows a device to behave like some other device. These are mainly used for playing games and My Boy! Free GBA Emulator APK is the best kind which you can find. There are a number of benefits which this emulator can provide you and some of those benefits are mentioned below.
- Increasing In-Game Resolution
When it comes to gaming then you want the highest possible resolution in your device. This won’t just allow you to have a clearer and more detailed view of the screen but if you are planning to go into competitive online gaming then it can help you with that too. This is why the resolution part is the biggest benefit which you can get by using My Boy! Free GBA Emulator APK.
- Use a Variety of Controllers
By getting your hands on an emulator, you can actually experiment with better control options than before. This can seriously up your gaming style by a ton. This is one of the best things about using good quality emulator.
- Adding Post Processing Effects of Your Own
There are many post-processing effects like ambient occlusion, SSAO, reflections, and depth of field which you freely add while using the My Boy! Free GBA Emulator APK.
- Play the Games which You Always Wanted To Without Any Restriction
We saved the biggest and the most obvious benefit for last. And that is that by using this emulator you can play the games which you always desired without having to spend any major amount of money to buy some other device.
Go ahead and start using this emulator now to play the best games ever!
*** To play GB/C games, you need to get My OldBoy!.
*** This is the free version. You CAN save and load with the game’s built-in save capability, which is accessible from within the game, not from the emulator’s menu.
With the full version, you can:
• Remove Ads.
• Save to and load from multiple slots (through emulator’s menu), as well as auto save & load.
• Fast-forward with speed greater than 2x (up to 16x).
• Have multiple lines of codes in a single cheat.
• Have gyroscope/tilt sensor emulation through your Android’s motion sensors!
• Link up as a server with your friend (the other side as a client, which is allowed on the free version).
• Create multiple screen-layout profiles.
• Fastest emulation, therefore saves your battery to the MAX.
• Very high game compatibility. Run nearly all games without a problem.
• Link cable emulation either on the same device, or across devices over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
• Gyroscope/tilt/solar sensor and rumble emulation.
• Enter GameShark/ActionReplay/CodeBreaker cheat codes and enable/disable them on the fly while the game is running.
• High-level BIOS emulation. No BIOS file needed.
• IPS/UPS ROM patching
• OpenGL rendering backend, as well as normal rendering on devices without a GPU.
• Cool video filters through the support of GLSL shaders.
• Fast-forward to skip long stories, as well as slow down games to get past a level you cannot in normal speed.
• On-screen keypad (multi-touch requires Android 2.0 or later), as well as shortcut buttons such as load/save.
• A very powerful screen layout editor, with which you can define the position and size for each of the on-screen controls, as well as for the game video.
• External controllers support, such as the MOGA controllers.
• Clean & simple yet well-designed user interface. Seamlessly integrated with the latest Android.
• Create and switch to different key-mapping profiles.
• Create shortcuts to easily launch your favorite games from your desktop.
No games are included in this app and you need to obtain yours in a legal way. Place them onto your SD card, and browse to them from within the app.
LEGAL: This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries.
*** Unlike many others, we are the actual core developers. Your reported bugs will most likely get fixed very soon!
What’s New
• [core] Added option to boot from BIOS, if you have your own BIOS file. Enjoy the original start-up screen!
• [core] Fixed random crash on Android 7.1.
• Do not preload Ads (to reduce data usage).
• Fixed a crash related to Ads.